Love Actually IS All Around



(noun) a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

This weekend our community joined together to raise money for Karter, a two-year-old who was recently diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Local businesses donated gift certificates, products, and services for raffle items. Friends of the family put together amazing baskets with all of the goodies, each one valued over $100. The event was hosted at a popular Jupiter restaurant, Guanabanas, who graciously donated the proceeds from Tito’s Vodka sales to the cause.

Just One More donated bracelets for the raffle, but we also volunteered our time. And I am so glad we did! It was amazing to see the community come together! Some were really excited about the fabulous list of prizes but some were just happy to donate to the cause and show support to the family. $24,000 was raised in a few short hours! This means that the Strands can focus fully on “Karter the Destroyer” and not have to worry about the medical and personal bills piling up while they are helping him fight the biggest battle of his life. 

Seeing this all unfold in front of my eyes (in 500-degree weather 😓) was so uplifting. It was so encouraging to see something so wrong turn in to something so right. There is beautify everywhere if we choose to see it. With all the craziness that seems to be happening in our world right now; politics, riots, shootings, it’s humbling to see that love actually is all around 💗 

Within a month of Karter receiving his diagnosis, another member of our Jupiter family was diagnosed with Leukemia except this was not her first time. Kelly was first diagnosed in November of 2014.  She endured 8 months of treatment, fought like hell and was finally in remission in July 2015! After winning her cancer battle, she felt moved to help others and started her own non-profit to help raise money for others going through cancer. A Second Go was established to raise money & services to provide cancer fighters & survivors with the tools to have a successful ‘second go’ at life. In addition to starting her own non-profit, she raised money this year as a candidate for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s 2016 Man & Woman of the Year Campaign! She’s pretty rad, right?!?

After finding out the leukemia was back and using a few choice words to describe how she was really feeling, Kelly rallied and decided that she would go to Boston for treatment where she could participate in a clinical trial that may help save herself and others in the future. Even when being handed the worst news she could imagine, she is still thinking of others! I am in awe of her courage and inspired by her ability to remain positive and darn-right funny through of all this! You have to read her blog, she’s got great perspective and is a natural writer! 

We now have the opportunity to come together to help Kelly the same way we helped Karter. This cancer business is not inexpensive and Kelly has quite the fight in the months ahead. Kelly has a GoFundMe page where you can donate directly to her fight. Anything that you can do, is so greatly appreciated! It may not seem like $5 makes a difference, but it does. Additionally, this Thursday we will be hosting a Sip & Shop event at Vault 39 from 5pm to 8:30 where a portion of the proceeds will go directly to benefit Kelly! If you are not in the area but would like to participate by shopping (we fully encourage sipping from your couch too 🍷) you can ensure a portion of your purchase will be donated by using ‘KICKINITFORKELLY’ as the coupon code at checkout!

To me, the word community is synonymous with friendship. You don’t have to live near each other to have a feeling of togetherness. By definition, community is a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. I feel certain that most people share a common attitude with Kelly toward cancer!!! Let’s help Kelly kick cancer’s ass so she can go back to changing the world and giving others ‘A Second Go’ ❣


